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Images by Tam D Photography and Josh Spivey
Continue ReadingImages by Tam D Photography and Josh Spivey
Continue ReadingHighlighted project images include A380 International Terminal Gate F3 Addition, H-JAIA Concessionare Concept Designs Travel Aviation Experience at Hartsfield Jackson International Airport Joint Venture Teams H-J+P (HOK, SLS, Chasm) Joint Venture - A & E 5 Year Indefinite Delivery | Role: Deputy Project Manager/ BIM HPC (HNTB, McAfee3 Architects) Joint Venture - Master planning, Programming, Feasibility Analysis, Conceptual Design| Role: BIM Manager/ Designer Aviation Experience Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport: H-J+P (HOK, SLS, Chasm) Joint Venture - A380 International Terminal Gate F3 Addition | USO Lounge Renovation HPC (HNTB, McAfee3 Architects) Joint Venture - Ground Transportation Center (GTC) | Consolidated Concessions Distribution Center (CCDC) | Relocation of Atlanta Police Department (APD) and Airside Operations (AO) | CDP Update- West AGTS Station and Automated People Mover | Landside Terminal Pedestrian Bridges / Renovation of Existing Vertical Transportation Core | H-JAIA Concessionare Concept ...
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